




Garry’s June Blog

Summer is finally here and thus far not too wet! June is a month crammed full of activity in the VCSE sector and wider communities; so much so, that The National Lottery Community Fund has dubbed it the ‘Month of Community’: an opportunity to celebrate the value of community and raise awareness of the fantastic […]

Celebrating 40 years of Volunteers’ Week

It’s the 40th Anniversary of Volunteers’ Week this year, and to celebrate we’ve found some volunteers who have notched up 40 years of volunteering too.  Here’s their stories: It’s great to see the difference that volunteering brings to people’s lives – new friends, new challenges, amazing experiences, supporting the community and improving their […]

40 Years of Adventures with Girlguiding Staffordshire

a woman in Girlguiding uniform sitting on some stone steps

I started my Girlguiding adventure when I returned home from working in Italy, I was complaining to a friend that I was bored as I didn’t have a job.  Don’t be bored, she said, come and help me at Guides.  At the end of my first meeting she asked if I had enjoyed it and […]

A-Pealing Volunteering at St Peter’s Church Little Aston

5 bellringers standing in a bellringing chamber with 3 bell ropes visible.

The bells at St Peter’s Church in Little Aston have been rung for Sunday services, weddings, funerals, celebrations, Royal jubilees and more since they were installed in 1874.  A team of bell ringers faithfully volunteer to learn to ring the bells and to keep them pealing in time honoured tradition.  Of the current team of […]

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