This training is funded by Tamworth Borough Council UK Shared Prosperity Fund. To access this session you must be a member of Support Staffordshire delivering support/services specifically in the Tamworth locality. We reserve the right to charge you for your ticket if you are not a member, and your organisation does not directly support the Tamworth locality.

FREE places are restricted to TWO per organisation for this session so please check with your organisation before booking. Additional names can be added to a waiting list.

Who should attend:

This session is aimed at anyone who volunteers, or works, for groups or charities delivering support/services specifically in the Tamworth locality.


In the voluntary sector we meet many people from different backgrounds. Unconscious bias operates without our being aware of it and this affects the way that we think and make decisions. This session will help you become more self-aware and explain how to use conscious inclusion practices to address your own biases.

Topics covered:
  • Explore how bias affects decision making.
  • Examine where bias comes from and how it manifests itself.
  • Evaluate your own biases.
  • Learn how to start to overcome your biases through Conscious Inclusion.

Please note the following instructions:
  • We will be providing refreshments.
  • Handouts and training notes will be issued.
  • Please bring your own pens and anything else you might require.
  • Car parking is available on site, free of charge.

Do let us know if you have any additional needs we should be aware of.

**Members failure to attend without prior cancellation will result in you being charged the standard half day member rate of £45**. 


21 Nov 2023


10:00 am - 12:00 pm


Dosthill Boys Club
Dosthill Boys Club, Cadogan Road, Dosthill, Tamworth, B77 1PQ


Support Staffordshire Training
Support Staffordshire Training
01785 413162
[email protected]
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