




Ask for Angela Campaign

As part of our commitment to tackle violence against women and girls the VRA is promoting the Ask for Angela campaign across Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent. 

The Ask for Angela initiative aims to ensure that anyone who is feeling vulnerable or unsafe is able to get help and support discreetly. This could be on a night out, on a date or meeting friends. 

The initiative works by training staff in vulnerability management and what to do when someone ‘Ask for Angela’. When someone asks for Angela, the trained member of staff will understand the person is in need of help and support and will be able to respond in an appropriate, discreet way. This could be offering them an alternative way out of the venue, calling them a taxi, or in a more serious situation alerting venue security and/or calling the Police. Watch the Vulnerability video developed by the Safer Business Network to find out more. 

The Violence Reduction Alliance (VRA) wants to reinforce the message that women and girls, including anybody who may find themselves vulnerable during the night-time economy, has the right to feel safe.  To support this night-time economy workers to do this, we have developed free Vulnerability Training for anybody working in the night-time economy. Find out more here.

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