




5 bellringers standing in a bellringing chamber with 3 bell ropes visible.

A-Pealing Volunteering at St Peter’s Church Little Aston

The bells at St Peter’s Church in Little Aston have been rung for Sunday services, weddings, funerals, celebrations, Royal jubilees and more since they were installed in 1874.  A team of bell ringers faithfully volunteer to learn to ring the bells and to keep them pealing in time honoured tradition. 

Of the current team of ringers there are 5 ringers who have been voluntarily ringing the bells for 40 years or more – most of them since they were 11 years old, which is generally the youngest age to start to learn how to ring tower bells.  Left to right in the photo there is Nicola (a ringer for 53 years), Chris (59 years), Sally (50 years), Richard (66 years), and Colin (62 years). 

They all agree that being part of a great team is a major attraction to their long service, as well as enjoying the camaraderie and friendship that this brings.  Tower bell ringing is a good physical exercise, though not strenuous, and great for keeping the brain working as well as challenging yourself when learning something new.  Over the years, this team has trained up countless new ringers, some of whom have stayed, and some who have moved away and now volunteer at their local tower.  It’s a great skill to learn and bell ringers are always welcomed in bell towers across the world – the bells can’t ring themselves after all!

If you fancy finding out more about local volunteering options near to you, including bellringing, get in touch with the Support Staffordshire Volunteering Team on [email protected] or register your details via our website here Volunteers – Support Staffordshire

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