




Staffordshire Green Network – August updates

Case Study – Rethinking Health

As part of Support Staffordshire’s Healthy Communities project in South-East Staffordshire, we held some workshops with different community groups in Burton and Lichfield, exploring the topic of health in communities, and how extremes in weather affect our lives and wellbeing. The rich conversations ranged through discussing food, housing, travel and transport, employment, the environment, and the most important question – ‘What keeps you up at night?’. Enormous thanks to the Burton Women’s Collective and the Lichfield neurodiverse community for taking part in these workshops, and to artist Ella Kasperowicz for creating illustrated summaries of the conversations.

Colourful illustration with words and drawings, titled 'Rethinking Health - Burton Women's Collective'

Upcoming Events

Do you have a well-loved item which needs repairing? Waste Savvy Staffordshire have a list of repair cafes that take place across the county each month. Take a look at their website for the general list, and follow them on Facebook for regular updates and events.

Stoke Green Conversation – hosted by VAST and Staffordshire Wildlife Trust as part of the Staffordshire Green Network. Wednesday 25th September, 10am-12pm, The Dudson Centre, Hanley. Book your free place: Stoke-on-Trent Green Conversation at The Dudson Centre event tickets from TicketSource


Staffordshire County Council Climate Action Fund – this fund offers financial assistance to local communities to build resilience and reduce Staffordshire’s contributions to climate change. Apply for up to £5000.

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