




Cash For Kids – Holiday Hunger Grants

Grants are available to charities, voluntary and community groups to provide food and activities for disadvantaged children and young people during the school holidays.

Cash for Kids is a grant-giving charity that helps disadvantaged children and young people across the UK.

The Holiday Hunger Grants help children affected by poverty, the increase in the cost of living and those facing food insecurity during the school holidays.

Applications are accepted from the following organisations:

  • Registered charity (with an annual turnover less than £1 million).
  • School.
  • Community group, voluntary group, youth group or sports group with a formal governance document (e.g. constitution, articles of association, club rules and regulations).

Projects must focus on outcomes that encourage children to eat more healthily and be more active during the school holidays. 

Applicants must confirm:

  • The presence of a first aider on site.
  • Relevant insurances are in place.
  • Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)/Disclosure Scotland/Access NI enhanced clearance as required.

A range of project costs are supported by the grant.

Examples of eligible projects include (but not limited to):

  • Arts and music workshops with a hot lunch provided.
  • Visit to a local farm with packed lunch and snacks.
  • Visit to a go-kart experience with a healthy hot meal.
  • Cooking lessons including all ingredients and food to take home.

The closing date for applications is 5 September 2024.

Applications must be submitted online and include the following:

  • A governance document e.g. a constitution, articles of association, or club rules and regulations
  • A safeguarding policy.
  • A paying in slip/statement for a bank account in the organisation name.
  • Recent accounts or income/expenditure
  • Breakdown of costs relating to the Holiday Hunger project.

Contact Cash for Kids for further information.

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