Grants are available to organisations and individuals to support the preservation of heritage buildings and structures of architectural significance, particularly historic country houses, including their gardens, grounds, and works of art within them.
Objectives of Scheme
This fund aims to support the repair and conservation of rural historic buildings and structures in England and Wales, including their gardens, grounds and outbuildings. Grants for the restoration and conservation of works of art in historic house collections open to the public will also be considered.
Funding is intended to support projects which are ready to proceed (i.e. can be started within 1-2 years) but which either do not qualify for funding from any of the mainstream sources or have been awarded only partial funding and require significant further funds to complete the resource package.
The minimum grant that can be applied for is £1,000 and the maximum is £250,000. Larger awards will only be made in exceptional circumstances. Most grants are for less than £50,000.
Applicants can be either an organisation or a private individual, having legal responsibility for the repair of an historic building, its gardens and grounds, in England or Wales.
The Foundation would normally expect the applicant to own the building or estate, or hold a full repairing lease with not less than 20 years to run, or be able to demonstrate that the applicant has a legally binding agreement to acquire such a building or estate.
The Foundation does not award grants for the following:
- Buildings and structures which have been the subject of recent purchase and where the cost of works for which grant is sought should have been recognised in the purchase price paid.
- Projects which do not principally involve the repair or conservation of a historic building or structure.
- Churches and chapels, unless now or previously linked to a country house or estate.
- Alterations and improvements, and repairs to non historic fabric or services.
- Routine maintenance and minor repairs.
- General running costs.
- Demolition, unless agreed as part of a repair and conservation programme.
- Rent, loan or mortgage payments.
- Conservation of furniture, fittings and equipment except where they are themselves of historic or architectural significance, have a historic relationship with the site, are relevant to the project, and can be secured long term from sale or disposal.
- Work carried out before a grant offer has been made in writing and accepted.
Eligible Expenditure
Grants are available for the repair and conservation of rural historic buildings and structures located in England and Wales, including where appropriate their gardens, grounds and outbuildings.
The Foundation’s definition of rural includes all buildings and structures in the countryside and other rural buildings which have subsequently been overtaken by, and embedded in, urban and suburban development.
The Foundation would normally expect the building to be listed, scheduled, or in the case of a garden included in the English Heritage Register of Parks and Gardens.
However, the Foundation also makes grants to projects which involve an unlisted building of sufficient historic or architectural significance or importance, if it is within a conservation area.
In addition, to qualify for a grant, the applicant must be able to show the following:
- There is a compelling need for the work undertaken to be done within the next two to three years.
- The project will enhance the historic environment.
- There will be appropriate public access.
- There is a financial need for the grant.
- The project can proceed within a reasonable timeframe (ie one to two years).
- The project is sustainable with a suitable conservation and/or business plan. A grant is unlikely to be awarded without this information.
- The building or structure is listed. However, grants that involve an unlisted building, particularly in a conservation area, may be considered.
- The structure is rural, either in the countryside or where it has been overtaken by urban or suburban development.
How To Apply
Pre-applications forms can be submitted at any time. The trust aims to respond to all pre-application forms within 28 days of receipt.
Full application forms are considered at quarterly meetings held throughout the year.
The Foundation operates a two-stage application process. Pre-application forms are available to complete online or download from the Foundation’s website. If successful, the Foundation will arrange a site visit to make an initial check of the suitability and feasibility of the project prior to completion of the full application form.
Applications must be supported by a professional adviser or specialist contractor’s report, as well as colour photographs that show the extent and urgency of the project.