Down Syndrome Forum

We are hoping to bring people with Down’s syndrome in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent together, to create a ‘Down’s syndrome forum’ where we talk about their experiences of Health, Social Care, Housing and Employment, and find out what can improve. 

We have had a really low uptake of this offer so far, so we are asking people with connections into the community to help us get the offer out there. 

Would you be able to help spread the word please?

Further details about the forum are on the ICS Down’s syndrome webpage. The form they will need to register to join the group is on the website, and linked here

The first meeting is planned for the end of March and from then on the group will meet a couple of times a year in person. We will reimburse travel expenses and provide refreshments at every session.

Down Syndrome Forum Poster

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