




About us
Our Values

Support Staffordshire empowers communities to be the best they can be.

We support Staffordshire communities, individuals and organisations to work in collaboration to bring about positive change in their community by actively encouraging Social Action.

What We Do

We deliver the four functions of Local Infrastructure as recognised and promoted by the National Association for Voluntary & Community Action (NAVCA):

  • Volunteering
  • Capacity Building
  • Partnerships & Collaborations
  • Leadership & Advocacy


  • Promoting volunteering at events
  • Volunteering brokerage: Promoting volunteer opportunities and matching volunteers to opportunities
  • Supported volunteering

Capacity Building

  • Membership
  • Locality Officer support
  • Right Start training and Supportive Communities
  • Community development support
  • Consultancy and training development

Partnerships & Collaborations

  • Member Census and State of the Sector Report
  • Locality forums
  • Staffordshire Village Halls Network
  • Healthy Communities Alliance
  • Team Staffordshire
  • Healthwatch
  • Social Prescribing

Leadership & Advocacy

  • Working with the NHS
  • Working with local emergency and resilience organisations
  • Partnerships with local councils

Our Cross-Cutting Priorities

Support Staffordshire has recognised three critical and cross-cutting priorities in recent years. All three came about in part as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns. They are Climate Emergency, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion, and Staff Health & Wellbeing. These priorities are now fully integrated into our strategic and business plans, and each is supported by a cross-organisation working group.

Taking positive action on all three in a coordinated and planned way will help us to be a happy and effective place to work or volunteer, as well as to further our charitable aims and objectives. In the coming years we will also share more of our learning on these subjects with our members and partners. To find out more about our work please get in touch.

Actively work to increase diversity of Board, management and staff

Raise awareness among staff on anti-racism, equality and diversity

Actively work to increase diversity

ensure zero tolerance of racist and prejudiced behaviours

ensure communications reflect the ethos of the organisation and influence members and wider stakeholders 

Climate literacy training for staff

Champion climate action in the voluntary sector in Staffordshire

Support the achievement of net Zero within Support Staffordshire

Build climate resilience within Support Staffordshire

Health and Wellbeing policy

Mental Health First Aiders

Staff Health Needs Assessment

Listening ears Wellbeing Mentor Programme

Bareavement Support in the work place

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