Biffa Award Main Grants Scheme – Rebuilding Biodiversity

The Biffa Award Rebuilding Biodiversity theme provides grants for conservation projects located within 15 miles of a significant Biffa Group Ltd operation or within 10 miles of a landfill site, with the aim of protecting and enhancing the environment so that it can adapt to threats such as climate change.

Grants of £10,000 to £75,000 are available.

The total cost of the project must be less than £200,000 including VAT.

Rebuilding Biodiversity grants are available for conservation projects, which aim to protect and enhance the environment so that it can adapt to threats such as climate change. Projects must be located near to significant Biffa Group Ltd operations or landfill sites in England or Northern Ireland. The scheme supports a variety of living things and includes all species of plants and animals and the natural systems and habitats that support them.

Preference will be given to projects that have a strong element of public access or inclusion, such as volunteer involvement. Projects must lead to a direct improvement to a habitat or species. Applicants will be asked to submit a list of habitats and species being conserved or protected through project delivery.

Eligible costs include:

  • Habitat improvement works.
  • Tree surgery.
  • Scrub removal.
  • The purchase of plants, seed and trees.
  • Reasonable salary costs for staff directly involved in project delivery and supervising volunteers in delivery.

The majority of costs should be direct capital delivery work.

Applications should outline how the applicant intends to ensure the project is sustainable following completion. It is essential that they outline how they will maintain, publicise and develop the project following completion of the improvements.

Submissions of Expression of Interest are a rolling basis. The Board meet four times a year (in February, May, July and November) to decide which projects to fund. Applications will go to the next available meeting so there are no restrictions on when to apply. However, groups may wait for up to six months to hear the outcome of their application.

Guidance notes, FAQs and the online form are available from the Biffa Award website.

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