The Cadent Foundation has been working with charities and partners since 2019. Our aim is to help households find sustainable solutions to fuel poverty and ensure people are safe and warm in their homes.
By working with charitable organisations we strive to help households improve their financial wellbeing and become more energy efficient through advice, support and practical measures.
We offer grants to charitable organisations for projects which address the root causes and impacts of fuel poverty.
Applications will be considered from the following:
- UK Registered Charities.
- Community Interest Companies (CICs).
- Exempt charities (under the Charities Act 2011).
- Companies limited by guarantee (with articles of association that prohibit them from generating profit).
To be eligible to apply organisations must have been registered with the Charity Commission for a minimum of two years at the time of application and have an income of more than £25,000 for the previous financial year.
Grant applications are by invitation only. If you have a project you think we might be able to support, we’d like to hear from you. Please email a project outline to: [email protected]
All grants are subject to eligibility criteria which can be read here