Following the successful Stoke-on-Trent Food Summit held last November in Stoke-on-Trent by Jo Gideon MP, we are hosting another summit this November on the three pillars of sustainability and would be delighted if Support Staffordshire members could join us this year.

The Stoke-on-Trent Sustainability Summit will take place in Stoke-on-Trent Central on November 3rd, 2023, at Staffordshire University’s Catalyst Building in the city centre – a 5-minute walk from Stoke mainline station.

The theme is “The three pillars of sustainability” with a broad range of speakers and panellists discussing the importance of environmental action, economic vision, and social responsibility to restore a healthy planet, economy, and society.

The event will run from 9.30am to 3.30pm with a number of short presentations and a Q&A session on each theme as well as a marketplace of local and national organisations and networking during a coffee break and a free buffet lunch.


To book your ticket, please click here and if you would like to have a stall for your business or organisation to showcase the work you do in sustainability you can book a stall on the Eventbrite link as well.

Please note: The conference is free to attend but tickets must be booked in advance to attend and due to the nature of the event, there will be heightened security measures and our team will be checking tickets at the entrance and granting admission to ticket holders only.


03 Nov 2023


9:30 am - 3:30 pm


Staffordshire University’s Catalyst Building
The Catalyst Building, Staffordshire University, Leek Rd, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 2DF


Jo Gideon MP
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