Cash for Kids – Sports Challenge

A fundraising competition for grassroots junior community sports groups to engage children and young people who are disadvantaged or disabled to be more involved in physical activities.

Bauer Media operate radio and magazine brands in the UK and worldwide, and Cash for Kids is their UK charity. The charity helps children and young people (up to 18 years old) affected by poverty, abuse, neglect, life-limiting illness and those who have additional needs.

The Cash for Kids Sports Challenge is a fundraising competition for grassroots sports groups. If selected, groups will be encouraged to raise as much money as possible to benefit disadvantaged and disabled children and young people in their area. Currently, only certain locations in England, Scotland and Northern Ireland are eligible for funding.

The selected applicant organisations will retain the total money raised during the fundraising period.

The top three fundraising groups will receive an additional £5,000, £2,500 and £1,500, respectively. Furthermore, there are special awards of £500 each for the Teamwork Award and Sports Challenge Champion Award.

Eligible expenditure

Costs such new equipment, new kit, updating facilities and recruiting new members are supported by the Sports Challenge.

How to apply

The closing date for applications for groups to be considered for the fundraising competition is midday on 2 September 2024.

Applications must be submitted online at the Cash for Kids Sports Challenge website. Applicants should apply according to the area of residence of the beneficiaries. If selected, the groups must fundraise as much money as they can from 7 September to 7 October, and finalise the Cash for Kids grant application form on the GivingisEasy platform that was completed as part of the application process.

Contact Cash for Kids for further information.

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