




Celebrate World Environment Day with Staffordshire Green Network

The United Nations World Environment Day is celebrated on 5th June 2024, with a theme of land restoration, desertification and drought resilience.

Strengthening resilience in our land and communities is something we are dedicated to through our work at Support Staffordshire. The impacts of extreme weather (the times when it is very hot, very cold, or very wet) are felt most keenly by the most vulnerable in our society – this include children, older people, people with health conditions and disabilities, people with low incomes. If we better manage land, it will be more resilient to extreme weather which will reduce the negative impacts to our communities, society and economy. If we build stronger community resilience, this will help everyone to cope better when these events do occur, by working together and drawing on our communities’ strengths and connections. We all have a part to play.

Staffordshire is lucky to have hundreds of charities, community groups and voluntary organisations who are working to look after our local environment, and who are helping people to better connect with their local outdoor spaces. This brings benefits to our own health, and protects the wildlife that shares our county.

The Staffordshire Green Network aims to bring together all organisations to share ideas and events, create partnerships and collaborations, and learn more about how we can work together to improve our environment and wellbeing in Staffordshire.


Green Conversations: Let’s Talk Energy, Friday 14th June, 1pm-3.30pm, Brewhouse Arts Centre, Burton-on-Trent

Our next Green Conversation will focus on energy. Join us to learn how can you improve energy efficiency in your organisation or community, meet funders, and chat to other community groups.

Book here:

Film showing: 6 Inches of Soil, Monday 17th June, 6.30pm-9pm, Rising Brook Community Church, Stafford

The evening has been organised by Rethink Food and Sustainability Matters Stafford. The 90-minute film explores how regenerative farming benefits the soil, food production, our health and the environment. The film showing will be followed by a panel discussion about our current food system in Staffordshire. Book your ticket here:

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