The Community Radio Fund is managed by Ofcom with funding from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS).
Community Radio is a tier of very local, not-for-profit (or not profit distributing) radio, run by local people, for local people about local issues.
The Community Radio Fund was set up in 2005 to provide help for the essential core work involved in running a station.
This funding aims to support the core costs of running Ofcom-licensed community radio stations.
In addition, Community Digital Sound Programme (“C-DSP”) stations will be eligible for grants, alongside existing analogue community radio stations, if the station is broadcasting on a digital radio multiplex at the date of their application.
A total of £400,000 is available over the 2024-25 financial year. Approximately half of this will be allocated per round.
There is no set level of funding.
Grants will be made as a single lump sum and must be spent within 14 months.
The funding can support the core costs of running Ofcom licensed community radio stations including:
- Management
- Fundraising to support the station (eg, grants, commercial funding)
- Administration
- Financial management and reporting
- Community outreach
- Volunteer organisation and support
There are normally two funding rounds per year.
The next deadline for application is 14 June 2024.
Guidance notes and an application form are available from the Ofcom website.
Completed applications should be submitted by email.
Contact the Community Radio Fund team for further information.