The programme is in the last stages of the funding with around 50 match funded units remaining.
Grants are available for community organisations across England to buy an automated external defibrillators (AED) to install in a public place.
The £1 million Community Automated External Defibrillators Fund is provided by the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC).
A total of £1 million is being made available. An estimated 2,000 new defibrillators will be funded.
The funding for the scheme is based on a first come first served basis.
Match funding of around £750 is required.
All types of organisations may apply.
To be eligible, applicants must:
- Be based in England.
- Not be an organisation that is eligible for the Department of Education scheme, eg, a school or an academy.
- Locate the secure defibrillator cabinet outside in an area that is accessible to members of the public 24 hours per day.
- Be able to provide an electrical power source to ensure the defibrillator cabinet light and heater operate to keep the device at the right temperature.
- Provide match funding for their application (c. £750).
How To Apply
Applications will be accepted until all the funding has been allocated.
The programme is in the last stages of the funding with around 50 match funded units remaining.
The guidelines and online application form can be found on the GOV.UK website.