




Fundraising Partnership with Karolyn Gamble

We’re happy to announce our Fundraising Partnership with Karolyn Gamble! Karolyn focuses on helping Mums and their well being, but please read more about how she can help below.

“I’m looking to connect with charities who have a wellbeing budget – and the desire – to further support the women and mums in their setting.

As a mum, I have personal experience of feeling stuck in the ‘Eat Sleep Mum Repeat’ cycle, which affected every aspect of my life, including my performance at work. I felt very disconnected from who I was, outside of my role as mum. Luckily, with support, I found a way to break that cycle, get unstuck and reconnect with who I was.

Fast forward a little bit and now I have created a series of workshops aimed at helping mums to reconnect with themselves. I created these workshops to share the formula that helped me ‘get unstuck’ so that it can help other mums too….

This formula is powerful…it’s proven! However, just knowing this formula isn’t enough! To create the positive change we want, we must put this formula into action. But, that’s easier said than done! Life is busy! There are many demands on our attention, especially for busy mums! There are many things filling our time and preventing us from spending time on what really matters to us! The challenge lies in actively MAKING the time to create that change…. That’s why I created these workshops.

These workshops are for mums who know they’re ready to ‘Break The Cycle’ and create positive change, but would like help creating the time to make that happen! If you are interested in creating a partnership with me, where I deliver these workshops to mums in your setting, or online, please contact me. I look forward to supporting you and the incredible mums you know – whether this the mums in your own teams, or the service users of your charity.

Please get in touch with me if you’d like to explore further at [email protected]

p.s. in case investing in the mums in your setting isn’t reason enough, let me also outline just a few of the benefits of investing in their wellbeing;

✨ increased sense of purpose and self-worth, leading to
✨ increased engagement, and
✨ increased job satisfaction, which leads to
✨ increased productivity
✨ increased loyalty to a company that looks after them, and therefore
✨ improved staff retention

Karoyln “

As an exclusive offer to Support Staffordshire members, Karolyn is offering A single, 1 hour, pilot workshop session, at a reduced rate (just £99), to see if we’re a good fit, before committing to the full series of 4 sessions. To take advantage of this offer, drop Karolyn an email and quote that you are a member of Support Staffordshire.

You can take a look at the services Karolyn offers and more about what she does on her website at

There’s also more information on the workshops on the leaflet below.

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