Halls for All: A History of Village halls

‘Halls for All: A History of Village halls’, written by Louise Beaton and David Clark as part of ACRE\’s Centenary celebrations, will be published on 15th March, to co-incide with Village Halls Week 2025, and can now be pre-ordered from all good bookshops or the publisher, Amberley (see link below).

With a foreword by HRH The Princess Royal, the book celebrates and pays tribute to the volunteers who have built and now run village halls in England. Explaining the history to the development of village and community halls, it covers the important pioneering role of Carnegie UK in supporting halls from the late nineteenth century onwards, the century – long work of the ACRE Network in developing and supporting halls, traces changes in design, use and funding and explores the opportunities and challenges now facing the volunteers who run them.

Thanks to help from ACRE’s Deborah Clarke, ACRE Network village hall advisers and many others the book is illustrated with examples and photos from every county. ‘Halls for All’ has been kindly sponsored by Carnegie UK, who also sponsored the companion volume “Reaping a Community Harvest”, which is available from ACRE.

See: [https://www.amberley-books.com/halls-for-all.html](https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url…)

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