




Hate Crime Presentation

USAH (Uniting Staffordshire Against Hate) our role is to engage with local partners, communities, and businesses to highlight What is a Hate Crime?

 In light of the unfortunate rise in hate crimes across the county, USAH is committed to taking a proactive stance in addressing these issues. Our Hate Crime Presentation is designed to provide a comprehensive platform for understanding, reporting, addressing, and preventing hate crimes. We believe that by promoting inclusivity and understanding, we can contribute to building a safer and more harmonious society.

 We believe that by coming together as a community, we can make a significant impact in the fight against hate crimes. We invite you to explore our Hate Crime Presentation and encourage your network to join us in this crucial endeavour.

We deliver our Free Hate Crime Awareness presentation either face-to-face or online via Teams (minimum of 6 participants).

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