




LGBT Armed Forces Community Memorial Grant

The deadline for applications is 25 February 2024 (23.59).

The LGBT Armed Forces Community Memorial Grant is provided and administered by the Office for Veteran’s Affair (Cabinet Office).

As part of the Veterans’ Strategy Action Plan 2022-24, the Office for Veterans’ Affairs committed to commissioning a review into the experiences of LGBT personnel who served under the ban on homosexuality in the UK Armed Forces, which was in place until 2000. 

On 19 July 2023 the LGBT Veterans’ Independent Review was published, making a number of recommendations. Via this grant scheme the OVA aims to deliver recommendations 17-19, which focuses on establishing a memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum.

The funding is intended to support the primary aim of this project which is to deliver recommendations 17-19 of the LGBT Veterans’ Independent Review.

The memorial should reflect the views of the LGBT serving and veteran community, which should be collected as part of the project, with efforts made to engage harder to reach cohorts.  

The project should be delivered by March 2025, culminating in the erection of the memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum.

One grant of up to £350,000 is available.

The grant will need to be fully utilised within the financial year 2024/5.

Charities, Community Interest Companies, and non-governmental organisations can apply.

Organisations with the following legal structures will be considered:

  • A charity registered on the charity commission website.
  • A corporate body – company limited by guarantee (registered at Companies House).
  • A Community Interest Company (registered at Companies House or CIC regulator).
  • A co-operative (will need to provide governing documents).
  • An Independent Provident Society  (will need to provide governing documents).
  • New Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).
  • None of the above but the organisation has a formal constitution or government document.

To be eligible, applicants must have:

  • A formal not-for-profit constitution (set of rules) or governing document which shows its objectives and management structure].
  • Previous experience of either working with the LGBT community, the veteran community, and / or the National Memorial Arboretum.

It is desirable that the applicant/s have previous experience of commissioning work to memorialise service in the UK Armed Forces or can demonstrate the ability to acquire or access this experience.

For more information on eligibility and how to apply visit the website here

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