Lichfield Greenhill Bower Parade

Are you part of a local community group, non-profit, ptfa or charity in the Lichfield District? Perhaps you’re trying to raise money for a charity close to your heart?

Did you know you can apply to be a part of the Lichfield Bower marshalling team? It’s a fun and easy job, helping with participant safety during the parade and collecting pennies in buckets… this then gets shared between all who take part in the marshalling team!

Please contact the Bower team if you would like further information on this fun and rewarding way of being a part of a great Lichfield Tradition, taking place on Spring bank Holiday Monday.

It’s still not too late to request a float either (vehicles or walking). Email for a form or pick up a paper copy form from Michaels Menswear in Lichfield City Centre.

Email Lichfield Bower – Admin at [email protected] or visit their Facebook page

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