




Linder Foundation – Environment

Grants for UK-based charities to protect and enhance the natural world.

The Linder Foundation was established in 1974 and is a registered charity. The Foundation supports a wide variety of charities with causes ranging from medical electives, hospices, young people, environment and the arts. The Foundation seeks to maximise its impact by choosing to fund projects where it can be a major stakeholder within institutions.

The aims of the scheme are to protect and enhance the environment, with particular focus on land-based projects.

Grants are only available to UK-registered charities or exempt charities. Projects should involve volunteers and/or community engagement.

Projects can be local, regional, rural or urban.

A range of project costs are supported. 

Projects should be land based and relate to biodiversity (e.g. sustainable farming practices, preservation/re-introduction of species).

Initiatives could contain a research element that may provide the evidence base for change and has the potential to be scaled up.

The closing date for applications is midnight on 31 October 2024.

An online application form and guidelines are available from the Foundation website.

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