




Many Voices. Working together. With purpose

The theme for this year’s Trustees Week is ‘Many voices. Working together. With purpose.’

Every organisation in the VCSE sector is steered by a group of people who commit to ensuring the success and safe operation of the organisation.  Many voices, all working together, with purpose!  These wonderful people, however they are labelled – committee members, trustees, directors, board members, exec team – are Trustees who give of their time, experience, skills and energy for free.

Like all volunteers, the work that they do is often overlooked and undercelebrated but the value that they bring to their organisations and communities is invaluable!  Without their efforts, many groups would cease to exist and be unable to provide the services that they offer.  

At the end of Trustees Week, we’d like to say a huge thank you to all the Trustees who enable Staffordshire’s VCSE organisations to provide the wonderful services that they do.  We’d also like to say a huge thank you to everyone who is thinking of following their example and becoming a trustee – it’s a rewarding and fulfilling role and we hope that you enjoy it! 

We cannot end Trustees Week without acknowledging and thanking our own Board of Trustees here at Support Staffordshire.  These wonderful, knowledgeable and inspiring people use their voices, together, with purpose to ensure that Support Staffordshire keeps to its goals and core values whilst ever moving forward.

Thank you!

Garry Jones

Chief Executive Officer, Support Staffordshire

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