Staffordshire Green Network – September updates

Case Study – Transition Lichfield

A neglected plot of land in Lichfield, behind the Three Spires Shopping Centre, was too tempting for the Transition Lichfield group to ignore! The transformation only started in May, changing from a species-poor patch of grass bisected by a desire line to a colourful, vibrant patch of land which is generating lots of positive comments from passers-by. Well done to everyone involved.

Events, Activities and Resources

Stoke Green Conversation. Hosted by VAST and Staffordshire Wildlife Trust as part of the Staffordshire Green Network. Wednesday 25th September, 10am-12pm, The Dudson Centre, Hanley. Book your free place: Stoke-on-Trent Green Conversation at The Dudson Centre event tickets from TicketSource

Let’s Talk Transport – get involved and have your say on the Local Transport Plan for Staffordshire, including the Electric Vehicles Survey, Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, and Youth Transport Map.


Stobart Sustainability Fund – Grants are available to UK non-profit organisations, community groups and educational institutions for projects that address climate change, reduce carbon emissions or protect the environment. Applications will be accepted from community groups, educational facilities or small businesses. Applications need to be of a green, ecological or sustainability nature with the project benefiting the environment.

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