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Support Staffordshire’s Volunteering Team needs you!

We have some volunteer roles available within our Volunteering Team – could one of them be the perfect role for you?

We need Volunteer Advisors who are happy to chat to volunteers to find out what skills and experiences they have and use this information to match them to available volunteering roles. This is a lovely role for a friendly, outgoing, chatty person who likes talking to new people and is good at building a rapport. The role mainly involves telephoning and emailing volunteers, but it can also involve joining the volunteering team at events where we promote volunteering to the general public. You can read a little more about the role here East Staffs Volunteer Advisor We also have roles available in Newcastle Under Lyme, Staffordshire Moorlands and Lichfield.

The team are also in need of Volunteer Research and IT Advisors who are good at database and IT systems. This is mainly a computer based role, making sure that all of the volunteering roles on our system are up to date and visible to volunteers. This is a great role for someone who likes being organised and has an eye for detail as well as being good with computers. You can read a little more about the role here Lichfield Volunteering Research and IT Advisor. We also have roles available in East Staffordshire, Newcastle Under Lyme and Staffordshire Moorlands.

If one of these roles sounds perfect and you’d like to join the team, please click on the links to apply direct or email us on [email protected]

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