Tesco – Activity for All fund

Tesco Stronger Starts is expanding its commitment to promoting children’s health and well-being across the UK. After the success of our recent Footie for All fund, we are extending out support to organisations and clubs beyond football by introducing Activity for All.

In celebration of ‘the summer of sport’, our Activity for All campaign in partnership with The Sun, will offer £150k in grants through the Tesco Stronger Starts fund in an effort to improve children’s access to physical activity, funding better equipment, resources  and healthy food and snacks for those who need it.

Up to £1000 funding is available and groups can apply for:

  • equipment
  • resources 
  • healthy food and snacks

Opens for applications Wednesday 26 June 2024 and will close on Monday 5 August 2024. Applications received after 23.59 on Monday 5 August will not be reviewed or considered for funding.

How does Tesco Activity Fund work?

With 150 grants of £1,000 each available, Tesco is committed to helping local communities thrive by investing in children and young people and supporting a wide range of sports and physical activities.

Who is eligible?

The applicants must be a sports or holiday club in local communities with a priority on supporting children up to the age of 18 across the summer holidays with access to physical activity, providing more equipment and opportunities, providing access to holiday clubs and/or providing healthy, nutritious food to keep active.

Activity for All Fund can fund 100% of your project costs so you do not need any match funding. However, if you have secured additional funding, there is no limit to what this amount can be and any funding awarded by Tesco can form part of your wider project costs.

Read the Guidance Notes and Apply online

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