




Masonic Charitable Foundation – Grants for People with Dementia and Their Carers

The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) offers grants to local and national charities in England and Wales as part of its work to help thousands of disadvantaged and vulnerable people to live happy, fulfilling lives and participate actively in society. Over the last 40 years, the MCF has provided more than £130 million to charities. The MCF’s work is funded solely through the donations of Freemasons under the United Grand Lodge of England, their families and friends.

The current funding supports research which suggests that having close ties to friends and family, participating in meaningful social activities may help people maintain their thinking skills in later life, and slow down cognitive decline.

There is particular interest in targeted interventions such as carers support and social groups, Maintenance Cognitive Simulation Therapy, or other interventions working to achieve outcomes such as the following:

  • Improved ability of carers to meet the needs of people with dementia (ie, resources, knowledge, skills).
  • Reducing loneliness, isolation and creating social connection.
  • Improvements to physical health and cognitive function.
  • Better access to support services.
  • Increased independence and influence over their own lives and treatment.

There are two funding levels:

  • Large grants of between £10,000 and £60,000 in total which can be spread over three years are available to charities with an annual income of between £500,000 and £5 million.
  • Small grants of between £1,000 and £5,000 per year for up to three years are available to charities with an income of between £25,000 and £500,000.

As a general rule, MFC would not tend to fund more than 20% of an organisation’s income per year.

Charities can only apply for one grant programme at a time. Applications are accepted from registered charities.

There are no deadlines. This is a rolling programme for both Small and Large grants.

The application process is as follows:

  • The first step is to complete the online eligibility checker on the MCF website.
  • Those who are eligible may then complete a short online Expression of Interest. It takes about a month to receive a response.

MFC aim to reply to expressions of interest within four weeks.

For those invited to submit a full application as part of the:

  • Large Grants programme the entire process would last approximately five to six months.
  • Small Grants the process would last approximately three months.

Contact the Masonic Charitable Foundation for further information.

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