Masonic Charitable Foundation – Grants for People with Dementia and Their Carers
The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) offers grants to local and national charities in England and Wales as part of its work to help thousands of disadvantaged and vulnerable people to live happy, fulfilling lives and participate actively in society. Over the last 40 years, the MCF has provided more than £130 million to charities. The […]
Arts Council England – Cultural Development Fund: Round 4
The aim of the Cultural Development Fund is to level up through investment in culture. The fund will unlock local growth and productivity, increase access to excellent creativity and culture, and regenerate communities. It will achieve this through capital investment in transformative place-based creative and cultural initiatives. Between £2 million and £5 million. Applicants can apply […]
TopCashback Sustainability Fund
The aim of The TopCashback Sustainability Fund is to bring benefit to organisations and individuals working across the Staffordshire area. Awards should be made for the purpose of sustaining environmental and natural environment activities within the community. The activity should aim to engage people to improve healthy living pursuits. Applications to the fund must be […]
Community Council Rural Development Fund
The Fund awards small grants of up to £2,000 to small rural community groups across Staffordshire and Stoke , where they have a specific need. Panel meetings are held to determine whether applicants should receive funding and if so how much. Time sensitive applications may be considered outside of the usual panel dates or in the case of an […]
Swansway Community Grants Fund
Family-owned and run Swansway Motor Group has recently partnered with The Community Foundation for Staffordshire on behalf of their Stoke Audi, Stafford Audi, Stafford Land Rover and Stafford Motor Match retailers. The partnership has come as part of Swansway’s desire to support the communities local to where they do business. The fund aims to support […]