




Member Focus

It was with great pleasure that we presented nine Support Staffordshire awards last week, at our glittering awards evening at Alton Towers, in celebration of our 10-year anniversary. It was great to recognise the winners, but what really made everyone’s heart’s swell were the videos of member organisations, volunteers and their beneficiaries telling us a little about their work and impact in our communities. My personal highlights were Josh, who won our Social Prescribing Success Story Award, a relatively recent endeavour, that said everything about how community groups, volunteers, link workers and the NHS can achieve amazing things, working together. And MASE, a long-standing group who support families living with Alzheimer’s in Stafford and Cannock; a worthy winner of our Support Staffordshire Award, that sums up what voluntary action is all about – a dedicated group of volunteers, meeting a need in their own community, and doing it with a big heap of fun. I want to thank everyone who came along, nominated, sponsored, and made the event happen, it really was a joy to be a part of.

Staying on the theme of Members and Support Staffordshire being ten; over the next year we are refreshing our Strategic Plans, and a crucial part of this is listening to you, our members. This starts with the Member consultation which launches in this enews – please take five minutes to tell us what you think, what you need and how you feel about our services and support. The answers you give will determine what we dive a little deeper into, as we plan to run at least 3 focus groups later in the year; and of course, what you say ultimately affects the future services and support we provide, so it is really important for us and the sector that you let us know your views. All completed responses will also be entered for a £50 voucher draw as a little thank you.

Garry Jones

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