




The Roles and Responsibilities of a Trustee

The role of a Trustee varies considerably depending upon the size and activity of the organisation that they are a part of, however the responsibilities remain the same: These may sound very onerous, and off-putting, however they are important guidelines that keep the good work of the organisation going.  Trustees are not expected to know […]

Welcome to Trustees’ Week 2023

Monday 6th November 2023 It’s #TrusteesWeek! The time of year when we celebrate the amazing contribution made by trustees for their charities and recognise the difference they make. You can find out about this week’s range of events and access free guidance and resources at Trustees’ Week is a time for us to come […]

Staffordshire & Stoke-on-Trent Adult Safeguarding Partnership Board Newsletter Nov 23

Foreword from Independent Chair SSASPBThis newsletter has been produced to coincide and contribute to national AdultSafeguarding Week which runs from Monday 20 November until Friday 24 November 2023 As in previous years the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Adult Safeguarding Partnership Board (SSASPB) and its connected partners will be playing an active part.Adult Safeguarding Week will focus […]

Communities Consultation

Staffordshire’s communities are a big part of what makes this such a great county to live, work, and visit.  We know that when people come together to help each other, amazing things happen.  That’s why we want to find out more about what’s happening in communities all over the county, so that we can understand […]

Fundraising Partnership with D2NA

Support Staffordshire are pleased to announce their latest partnership with cyber security experts D2NA. D2NA are a local cyber security experts that have been established since 2005. Using their expert knowledge that has been built up over the years, they are one of the best at helping businesses and organisations maximise the most from their […]

The Chief’s Blog August 2023

We live in interesting times. Derived from a saying of uncertain origins, and often sounding like a positive, but actually more probably meaning ‘interesting’ as in ‘troubled’ times. In my lifetime this certainly feels as true as it ever has been: climate emergency, war in Europe and worldwide, biodiversity in crisis, human rights violations, polarised […]

Volunteer Drivers needed for The Voluntary Car Scheme – Lichfield and Cannock Chase

The Voluntary Car Scheme for Lichfield and Cannock Chase has been supporting the local community for many years to attend medial appointments.  Based in Burntwood, they rely on volunteer drivers to use their own cars to take people to health-related appointments.  This is a lifeline to many people who would otherwise be unable to attend […]

HOPE – Parent Peer Support

If you’re a parent who has supported your child/teen through emotional wellbeing challenges we’d love to hear from you. We provide training over 6 sessions via zoom and then need just 1 hour a week from you. In this hour you’ll chat virtually to a parent struggling with a similar challenge and share your life […]

Maternity services Engagement in Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent

Since summer 2019, NHS Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent ICB have been working with patients and the public to gather views about maternity services in the area. Following our engagement work in 2019/20, we reached out to organisations and local stakeholders in 2021 to find out how services had changed for patients as a result of the […]

Community Safety Day, Tamworth – Book now – Saturday 9th September 2023

Fri 11 Aug 2023 Book now – Saturday 9th September 2023 Community Safety Day, Tamworth What does your organisation/department do? What does the public think you do? Do they know you exist? Do you need to educate the public on your roles in community safety? Do you need to get some volunteers through a recruitment drive for […]

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